Monday, October 6, 2008

Empire Tactica - Artillery part 1

Why do an article on Empire tactics? You may ask. Well, after much deliberation on my part, I decided that although there is a wealth of information online regarding Empire Tactics, there is not any articles on the most effective way to use the Empire units. So, this is a first in a series on the different units in an Empire army and the drawbacks and advantages to each one. Once those are established, it will be easier to determine the best way to use them in your army.


Lets take a look at some of the artillery available to the Empire.

First up we have the Mortar. For 75 points, it can be absolutely devastating to large, weakly armored, horde armies. Skaven, and Goblins in paticular.

Advantages - Only 75 Points, uses a large blast template (One of 2 weapons in the game that use the 5" template.), moldels under the hole are hit by a S6 hit, great against horde armies, or tightly packed weaker troops. Can be used at longer ranges. (up to 48")

Disadvantages - Wildly innacurate, it is a guess weapon that is 12"-48", unpredictable, takes up a special choice. Only S3 (which is the toughness of most standard troops, but there is more artillery available that packs a bigger punch.)

So, the best way to use a Mortar is to make sure to take it against horde type armies, and I would aim for the middle of the opponents deployment zone, that way unless, it scatters off the board, it will increase your odds of hitting one of his units.

Cannon - Only 100 points, great for sniping characters, and taking care of war machines.

Advantages - Anything hit by it is hit by a mighty S10! It is great for sniping characters, long range (up to 60") Versitile as it can use it grapeshot, no armor saves allowed on most shots, it can take out multiple wounds out of a single unit. Good against heavily armored units as well as weaker ones.

Hills are the best place to deploy your cannons, try to get your oppenent to expose their flanks on target units, as this will bounce through the unit diagonally taking out more wounds. Most oppenents will try to stay out of range of the cannon, use your units to chase them back into range.

More will be covered in part 2 when we look at the Helstorm Rocket Battery, and the Helblaster Volley Gun.

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