Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Gunnery School

Ok, so I seem to have a bit of Hobby ADD and couldn't figure out what Empire province I wanted to do until recently. I was thinking Von Draks, but that idea is a bit "dated" in the fact that it does not fit in with the current timeline for the Empire fluff wise.

After making a list, I decided it would be fun to do Nuln. Not just any Nuln army, but the gunnery school itself. My list comprises of LOTS of Militia who are "applicants" to the school, Spearmen (Freshmen) Handgunners (Undergrads), 2x Cannon (the seniors), 2x Mortars (Student advisors), an engineer (course instructor), a Master Engineer (Headmaster), engineer (course instructor) a Hellblaster (Counselor/interns), and a Steam Tank (I got nothing), a unit of Blazing Sun Knights (because they look good w/ Nuln.)

As far as paint schemes go, I was thinking traditional black uniforms, but each unit has a different contrasting color. (Ie; one unit of Handgunners would be black and red, and another would be black and green, and so on.)

Now, I am off to do some research for Nuln.


Facts about the Gunnery School

The school's defenses house 31 Cannon on the walls

3 Mortars in the Courtyard

2 Helblasters in the courtyard

The proving grounds or testing grounds are outside the city just east of the South gate. And south of the Artillery Workshops though there is no gate visible, there is some specualtion that there is a secret passage into the city from the testing grounds contrived by a master engineer in conjunction with a gold wizard that it is completely hidden from view. How else does the Gunnery School artillery get to the testing grounds? It is never seen on the Road to Whanfort. Travellers are advised to seek alternate routes when testing is going on. From the Upper Reik River (Or River Sol as it is called further south), one can witness great white plumes coming from the cliffs to the west. It is a tell tale signs the exams are taking place.

The artillery workshops in Nuln house many secret passages to the engineering college and gunnery school, not to mention secret rooms where the school's artillery is stored when not in use on the proving grounds. (This is so it is safe from prying eyes of the many enemies within and outside the Empire.)

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